

昇達科技股份有限公司(Universal Microwave Technology, Inc.)

昇達科技股份有限公司(Universal Microwave Technology, Inc.)


昇達科技股份有限公司(Universal Microwave Technology, Inc.)



昇達科技股份有限公司創立於民國 88 年,並於97年股票上櫃掛牌 (代號3491) ,長期深耕於行動通訊領域,為國內從事研發/製造【微波/毫米波被動通訊元件/天線】之先驅。當5G時代來臨,在目前全球無線通訊需求日益成長的趨勢下,昇達科的客戶基礎亦不斷增加,合作客戶包含世界各大知名行動通訊、衛星通訊系統廠等,於無線通訊產業已具有穩固的市場佔有率。 昇達科致力於成為「無線通訊產業最值得信賴的元件供應商」,於108年榮獲經濟部潛力中堅企業殊榮,經營成果斐然、獲利穩定並擁有多項重要專利,竭誠歡迎優秀人才加入本公司,這裡是提供您發揮潛能的最佳舞台!

Universal Microwave Technology Inc. was established in 1999. The founder, our president Dr. Wu Tungyi, has more than 30 years of experience in Microwave/mmWave industry. Our main products consist of Microwave/mmWave high frequency passive communication components and antennas, with market application in wireless backhaul network, satellite communications, broadband wireless transmission and mobile communication base station, etc. UMT is the only design-manufacturer company of Microwave/mmWave passive components in Taiwan and also the leading enterprise in the world.

UMT is qualified with high-efficient and high-quality R&D team. We set up integrated software, hardware and testing devices for new product management and we are equipped with technical ability of self-development. Therefore, UMT is able to rapidly provide customized products and services that comply with clients' requirements and briefly lead to mass production, reason of which our customers are fully confident and comfortable to rely on us.

UMT's R&D team is fully experienced in the creation of a wide range of products. Over the years we have obtained more than 60 technological patents and been awarded several recognitions from the Ministry of Economic Affairs in Taiwan. In the global expansion of our business, we have acquired certifications and mass production orders from many world-class companies. The products we manufacture not only are widely used by big communication enterprises around the world but also have successfully entered the application field of LEO satellite communications. Based on these achievements, it is clear that UMT has solid R&D and manufacture capabilities making us the key partner for our worldwide buyers.



5G-Advanced / 6G 太赫茲元件開發計畫

近年來各個通訊發展先進國,包含美國、歐盟、中國、日本、韓國等國,其6G發展相關的產官學研等單位,紛紛發表6G願景,且均將太赫茲列為5G-Advanced / 6G發展的關鍵頻段。D頻段(130-175GHz)在6G的初期研究頗受Samsung、LG、Nokia等國際通訊大廠關注,並且近年在次太赫茲通訊技術有所突破,預期將促使更多廠商投入太赫茲研發 : 國內外缺乏可靠供應鏈: * 太赫茲回傳網路需要高品質元件供應廠商。 * 台灣沒有太赫茲通信元件供應廠商,產業升級後可以補足此供應鏈缺口並降低成本。 太赫茲元件設計困難: * 設計上由於波長變短,主動模組體積不變,導波管訊號路徑相對變成2-3 倍以上長度,電磁模擬需要花費2-3倍以上時間。* 元件對比毫米波元件 3-5 倍以上製造困難度,已遠遠超出一般毫米波元件,須因應製造公差來進行新型設計。 * 元件亦無法使用傳統毫米波元件的組裝方法,須另行設計新型結構來解決電磁波洩漏問題。

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